21Days/35Interviews/Great Results -> How?

2 min readApr 1, 2021


How the fuck this happened?

Within 21 days, I have received 35 legit interview invites by which I also have come up with good results (it means big cash).


Here is where most job seekers got it wrong that no matter what the contents you are reading, watching, or even listening to (yeah, I am mocking Clubhouse). A quick solution won’t cut it.

The fact is that without knowing the difference between information and knowledge by you as a content consumer. Chances are you are either mislead by the information or acting like you know the shit after consuming the information.

Next time when you encounter a book, a podcast, an article, a phrase(yeah, I am mocking cheer my ass up phrases floating over the Internet), a piece of advice from famous people (Elon Musk too), or a billion click youtube video. They won’t save your sorry ass to land a well-paid job. I am sorry. It is how reality is.

It took me 4 solid years to be mocked, to be detested, to be scolded, to be disgusted, to be downgraded by someone who is better than me at work, then to be slowly improved, adjusted, and eventually thrived.

Useless piece of shit flew over my head all the time when I was working in fucking high-pace tech corporate world. My following thought usually and always was -> yeah I am so dumb compared to these engineers, or directors. Fuck.

A miserable day was my routine take away from work. Just to image that you need to have that kind of feeling on daily basis for 4 years straight up.

If you endure, maybe you have a good chance to come up on top in terms of job seeking. To overrun those mother fuckers who are trying to win you over in a job interview, there is no secret sauce, 10 mins resume fix, 5 steps to winning over an interviewee.

NO. It requires hard work experiences build upon you over a second, a min, an hour, a day, a week, a year, and a cycle. The truth is that you know it better than everyone else but you can not stand the feelings anyone else is on the highway track so as to lead you to find a better and quicker solution to fix your job-seeking problem or even low paid salary issue.


This post is to show you my journey from a low-paid piece of shit (I only apply this figure speech to me, myself, and I — 24,000) to our social standard income rate (one million I would say).

If you are interested in how to come up on top of tons of resumes, leave me a message.

See you when I see y!

